Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tilting Overview

Here's a first look at the Unisport's tilting system. Start w/ 2 of the buttons on the steering wheel (R1 & L1 are turn signals); L2 was once a toggle, connecting the ignition switch to the main relay controlling power to the linear actuators, so I'm assuming that's the switch that enables/disables tilting. R2 is a 3-position spring-centered switch (also needing replacement) that moves right & left to lean right or left...

And this is where the leaning happens, w/ the front wheels connected in a parallelogram hinged at the corners. The two linear actuators get power at the same time, so one's pulling and the other's pushing on the base of the parallelogram. Bottom and top horizontals are hinged in the center against the 1/4" steel firewall, so the push/pull creates lean for the body and for each wheel.

The circuit is pretty simple - 5 PRD relays & two "snap switches" w/ piles of dusty goo under them - routing power to two electric motors crosswired so when one is going up, the other is going down.

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